听说老男人喜欢年轻的女人是要显示他们其实有颗年轻的心;发觉我的close friend 也有年轻化的迹像,莫非我真的如前文提到我已是死老鬼了?
认识可可只有年多,我们的年龄距离大概和Ashton Kutcher 和 Demi Moore 的年龄距离一样; 原来这样的年龄距离不只 work on man woman relationship, also work on girl woman relationship!
他是个大喇喇的人或台湾人说的‘神经大条‘。 虽然是名造型师,时常咸菜T-shirt 牛仔热裤加个流苏包包并素颜示人。 幸好青春无敌!
他和其他八十年代生的一样,对时事没兴趣; 每次在 imbi 巴刹,当我们开始时事开讲时,他就一脸问号, 有时兴緻好就会告诉他新闻背景,不然我们就不理他, 让他继续 blur 下去!当他讲笑话,还未开始讲到戏肉已经笑到天花乱坠,他的招牌笑声也已经够感染到我们一起笑起来!他的阳光和没机心使人放松, 就好像在看一篇小品,不用脑不用面具,牙缝有条菜也不尴尬!
他一直很想找个男人谈恋爱,无奈从英国回来年多寻寻觅觅也未遇见梦中人;我分析过了,觉得他是woman’s woman, 不是man’s woman;不是一般男人会爱的娇柔型!
so she is woman's woman..
what abt u? i think u oso more for overseas market la ;p
eh...t恤 enough lar....why咸菜?? :P hahah..somemore “名”stylist leh...i hope victor dont read your blog!
thanks so much for the post, you really make me laugh.
okay, first to improve is not being a man's woman...
it's to at least groom up a bit before i head out the door...gosh, the idea of it sounds too tired! :p
we shall meet soon...maybe karaoke for biaokho's bday!
Ouiiiii there knee, I am no talking about market here... 我宜东宜西:)
koko, at least I did not write what your mum said about the armpit... :p
hahahah....you are too kind! please be my personal shopper okay...to choose some decent clothes for me.
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