October 7, 2010

' I could have done more '

九十年代初看的Schindler’s List  ,那当年最感人的一幕, 不停的在我脑海replay replay
Oskar Schindler  (德国人), 在第二次世界大战时用金钱用关系,冒着自身安全,把生命危在旦夕的犹太人都聘请召揽在他的工厂做工以便能保护他们大战结束当他要离开时被他救的犹太人都聚集在工厂前送行他的会计代表大家把一枚金戒指送给他面用希伯来文刻着:‘Whoever saves one life saves the world entire‘。Schindler 哽咽的说:’I  could have done more!‘, 他深深的后悔没有把没用的车和身上的别针卖了救更多的人。

我反覆思想的问题是:究竟我的欲望可以去到多远?我可以把我的欲望丢弃,带给别人希望吗?我愿意不买那朝思暮想的裙子,拿那笔钱去换取别人的三餐吗?当每六秒全世界有一个儿童因饥饿去世时,有屋有车有健康有自由的我可以做什么?我可以住多大的房驾多贵的车,而不会有Schindler 的懊悔?


KOKO KISS said...

but but but, shopping is so satisfying.

my shopping bug is back, thanks to you! hmpffff...

:D love my dress, my mom actually asked me again today which are the pieces i want to clear from my cupboard, or she can help me...

limyasmin said...

Your mum wanted to go to buy Tangs' shoes or not?

KOKO KISS said...

dont know her...didnt ask.
she can't wait to get rid of my ham-choi tee...

cant wait for xmas - hopefully me slim down to gulp in more pieces!
are you going to wear that dress for your first day?